

About us

History of the company

SC PRODLACTA S.A. has its origins in JENSENISCHEN MOLKEREI Cooperative, founded in 1900 in Braşov by a Danish entrepreneur, Alfred Jensen, at Brasov, 33 De Mijloc street, the address where he worked until 2002, unit no. 2 cheese production.

In 1902 the company is taken over all assets and liabilities by the dairy cooperative - Brasov, in 1926 the large cooperative's building is sold to Stollwerck company and a new and modern factory is built on the income money. It is equipped with the latest equipment on that period and here begins the production of a wide range of fresh products of the highest quality. In 1931 the company is registered in the Trade Register under the name Dairy Cooperative.

After nationalization in 1948, the cooperative has successively passed the specialized organizations of the Regional Union of Consume Cooperatives, and in 1955 the enterprise for milk collection and industrialization is founded, - ICIL Brasov, by taking production buildings and means from district unit within Brasov, Tg. Secuiesc, St. Gheorghe and Rupea.

In 1962, in Brasov, a new plant for dairy products was put into operation on 2 St. Atanasiu street, 5 Ecaterina Teodoriu street today, here is the current headquarter of SC PRODLACTA S. A. Brasov.

In 1964 manufacturing department from Homorod was put into operation , profiled for production of fermented cheese and production department Moeciu, profiled for high-quality cheese - pilot station of the Ministry of Food for special products: Schweitzer, Netherlands, Trappist, Alpina, Italian, Bran, Rasnov etc.

In 1981 the department for cheese (telemea) production in Fagaras is put into operation.

In 1982 comes into operation a production department in Brasov municipality, near the old factory, 5 Ecaterina Teodoriu Street, specialized in the production of milk, and fresh butter, the old unit being decommissioned. The two production departments were equipped with the best equipment available at that very time. Besides the new department from Brasov there were built cold warehouses for fresh food, cheese and ice cream. Frozen department also has been modernized.

In 1990 I.C.I.L. Brasov is organized in a joint stock company, registered in the Trade Register under the name SC PRODLACTA S. A. Following completion of the privatization process on 04/23/1997, SC PRODLACTA S. A. became a privately owned company.

Between 2007-2009 SC Prodlacta SA Brasov implemented a program of modernization of fresh dairy factory in Brasov, 5 Ecaterina Teodoriu street through SAPARD funds after which the factory obtained sanitaro - veterinary autorization for intra-export activities. They reorganized and modernized all process streams with modern equipment that meets European regulation.

In 2012, as a result of insolvency proceedings, the company was taken over by JLC group of companies. The company emerged from reorganization in February 2013, and currently works with a new management team whose main objective is to reintroduce national products and to transform the society into a leading player on the market for fresh dairy products and cheese.


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