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The public joint-stock company «JLC-Ukraine» was created on 21 September 2010, being renamed from the open joint-stock company «Вита» («Vita ») on the basis of the shareholder meeting.
The OJSC «Vita » was founded on 12 January 1995 within the framework of privatization process via reregistration from lease enterprise.
The enterprise «JLC-Ukraine» has a total area of 5,2 ha. The main production bulding of the company was constructed in 1961. The central office of the PJSC «JLC-Ukraine» is situated in the city of Bila Tserkva, Ukraine.
Manufacturing activity
Raw material
The company «JLC-Ukraine» has a producing capacity equivalent to 25 thousand tons of milk per year, thought in the period of «planned economy» the amount of the processed milk reached the value of 80 thousand tons. After the refusal from the «planned economy» the amount of the processed milk diminished to 5-6 thousand tons.
In the last years the amount of the processed milk increased from 6644 tons in 2004 to 12870 tons in 2010. For 2011 the enterprise is planning to process more than 14 thousand tons of milk.
The purchasing department carries on an intensive activity in order to strengthen the collaboration with the large-scale producers of raw material, who ensure the necessary conditions of its qualitative manufacturing and storage. Thus, in the last three years the number of agricultural enterprises that supply raw milk has doubled. Some of them produce up to 4-6 tons of milk per day.
At present the company «JLC-Ukraine» is supplied with raw milk by 10 districts from 2 regions of Ukraine, which are situated within a radius of 100 km of the enterprise. 25% of the total amount of the raw milk is delivered by individual househols and 75% is delivered by agricultural enterprises.
With a view to strengthen the network of raw milk suppliers, the company develops its facilities, purchases milk tankers, creates equipped milk collection points in the rural areas.
Structure of production
PJSC «JLC-Ukraine» comprises the following structural subdivisions:
main production;
auxiliary production;
non-industrial staff (Department of Administration and the commercial sector employees).
The main production subdivision consists of:
manufacturing department of butter and low-fat diary products;
ice cream manufacturing department;
milk reception section;
package storehouse;
finished products storehouse.
The auxiliary production subdivision consists of:
mechanical sector;
energy sector;
compressor department.
Modernization of the manufacturing process
Between 2007-2010 it was carried out a technical equipment of the enterprise, which implied the partial replacement of the manufacturing equipment. Due to this it was improved the quality of the manufactured products, it increased the amount of the finished products and it was reduced the cost price of the products. As well there were carried out the following changes:
in the section of milk reception there were installed electronic scales with a productivity of 25 tons of milk per hour. They ensure the promptness of milk reception and accuracy of the record keeping of the collected milk;
in the section of milk reception and section of equipment were installed new technological pipelines, which allow to carry out simultaneously several fabrication cycles;
in the section of equipment were additionaly installed four containers destined for the souring of cultured milk products;
for the filling section was procured and installed an automatic machine for packaging products into buckets of 1kg;
for the butter packing line was installed an homogenizer, which ensures the butter wrapping into standard portions of 200gr;
it was installed an automatic machine for washing the packages;
it was built a refrigerating chamber with a total surface of 180 sq.m. destined for the storage of dairy products;
it was put into operation a station, which works on the basis of freon. It ensures the necessary temperature regimes in the refrigerating chambers with reduced operating costs.
OJSC «JLC-Ukraine» holds the registered trademarks «Вита» («Vita»), «Фриго» («Frigo») and «JLC». Thus, the enterprise produces a wide range of products that comprises about 60 items of dairy products and 40 kinds of ice cream.
The dairy products are manufactured under the trademark «Vita» and they include: pasteurized milk, cultured milk products, sour cream and sour cream products, butter, spread, cottage cheese and curd products, whey.
The «Vita» trademark products are regularly presented within the framework of the national contest «Symbol of quality», where they are appreciated with leading places.
«JLC-Ukraine» company is the single enterprise in Ukraine that manufactures dairy products in «triangular» packages - tetra classic. The milk and kefir in such packages are in great demand by the customers. For 2011 the enterprise plans to manufacture 2210 tons of milk and 427,5 tons of kefir in tetra classic packages.
An important direction in the activity of the «JLC-Ukraine» company is the private label manufacturing. Hence, in 2008 the company started to manufacture dairy products for the French LLC «Auchan», which is one of the largest international commercial networks. In 2011 the enterprise started to collaborate with the Ukrainian national network of supermarkets «Foodmarket» in the sphere of ice cream manufacturing.
Apart the dairy products the PJSC «JLC-Ukraine» produces ice cream of «Frigo» trademark as well. The enterprise offers a wide range of «Frigo» ice cream, which are manufactured on the basis of milk, of fruits and berries — sorbetto, and on a mixed basis — sherbets. The delicious ice cream can have an icing of chocolate, of chocolate with nuts and a creamy or a crème brûlée icing.
As well the ice cream can have a 6% up to 13% fat content and it appears as an eskimo ice cream, in wafer cups or is packed in large boxes. In great demand by customers is the ice cream that contains fruit fillers manufactured by «JLC-Ukraine» company, such as: raspberry, strawberry, apricot, cherry, lemon, orange and cooked condensed milk fillers are.
«JLC-Ukraine» company became a popular enterprise in its geographic region. This is proved by the fact that in 2009 the company took part in the district contest «The enterpreneur of the year» and won the title «The best enterpreneur» of the city Bila Tserkva.
Sales structure
«JLC-Ukraine» company has its own commercial network for vending dairy products and ice cream. The dairy products are vended via five regional representations that are situated in such cities, as: Bila Tserkva and the surrounding districts, Kiev, Zhytomyr and Odessa. The ice cream is vended via 28 regional distributors and the representations in the cities of Odessa, Kiev and Vinnitsya.
The largest sales network is situated in the city of Bila Tserkva. It consists of 338 trademark shops that can be found in four sectors of the city. The products manufactured by the company «JLC-Ukraine» are vended as well in all the networks of such stores as: «Fozzy Food» («Silpo»), «Cray», «Fourchette», «Велика Кишеня» («Vaelyka Kyshaenya»), the retail company «Evrotek» (the shops «Kvartal») and «АТБ» («АТB»).
The enterprise «JLC-Ukraine» has completed the resource base of its sales structure with 10 refrigerated vehicles, for delivering dairy products and ice cream, and with 450 chest freezers for ice cream vending.
In 2010 the sales volume of dairy products represented 121% versus the year 2009. These positive results have been attained due to the joint efforts of the commercial department staff. Thus, it сontributed to the entrance in 2010 of the company «JLC-Ukraine» into the national networks of stores as «Eco market», «Billa», «Fora». As well it has contributed to the company's collaboration with two distribution centers within the network of stores «Fozzy-food» and «Foodmarket». Such positive results have been also determined by the fact that the enterprise «JLC-Ukraine» extended its range of manufactured products and that the company was present within the national networks of stores from a series of regional and district centers of Ukraine. At present PJSC «JLC-Ukraine» collaborates with 12 national supermarket networks, such as: «Auchan», «Virtus», «Fourchette», «Fozzy-food», «Foodmarket», «Eco market», «Cray», «Billa», «Evrotek», «Fora», «Continent» and «Novus».
The share of the main networks of stores and supermarkets within the total volume of the dairy products sales constitutes:
semester 1 of the year 2011 semester 1of the year 2010
«Аuchan» 14% 20%
«Fozzy-food» 14% 10%
«Fourchette» 13% 14%
«Foodmarket» 6% 4%
«Eco market» 2% -
«Evrotek» 1% 1%
«Cray-2» 1% 1%
In 2011 the enterprise started to collaborate with the network of supermarkets «Novus» (vending its products to 6 supermarkets of the given network), with the national supermarkets network «АТБ»/«АТB» (vending its products in 4 supermarkets from the city of Bila Tserkva) and with the store «Evropeyskiy» from the city of Bila Tserkva.
In September 2011 it was opened the representation of the PJSC «JLC-Ukraine» in the city of Odessa. As well the company started to collaborate with the commercial networks «Kopeyka», «Objora» and «Tavrya V».
The «visiting card» of the company «JLC-Ukraine» is represented by the trademark commerce. It comprises 6 trademark shops, which can be found at all the markets from Bila Tserkva city and also in the residential districts of the city, and 3 trademark shops in the city of Odessa. The products in such shops are vended at low prices, without trading margin.
The staff of the company consists of 260 employees, 50 of whom form the Department of Administration, 78 persons are involved into the commercial sector and 110 into the production sector.